The use of the light bulb is an incredibly important thing in society as we know it. After all, it is electric light that allows us to do so much. Before electricity, working late into the evening would not be nearly as possible. In addition to this, it would also be a great deal harder to do things like enjoy ourselves past the falling of darkness. During the winter months, when darkness comes quickly, this is even more important.
However, the energy usage from electricity is quite drastic indeed, something that is fully supported by the statistics on the subject. As a matter of fact, lighting alone uses up 18% of all energy used by commercial buildings. In addition to this, lighting along also accounts for more than 10% of all energy used in residential buildings as well. In total, more than 20% of the energy generated by the United States goes towards the purposes of lighting.
And while lighting is certainly essential to so many of the ways in which we live our lives, lighting is also hugely expensive. The more energy used, after all, the more we pay. In addition to this, the use of so much energy puts a tremendous strain on our environment. As of recent years, the environment is in more dire straits than ever before, and it is up to us to fix this growing problem before it is far too late to do so. Taking steps to reduce energy can be one way in which this is done, at least in part.
But how can we reduce how much lighting we use. We need electric lights and in some places, such as in parking garages, it is actually illegal to turn them off at any point. While this is important for safety, it certainly adds to the amount of energy that is used for lighting on the whole. While we might not be able to always reduce the amount that we use the lighting fixtures in our homes, places of work, and other areas of the world, we can reduce energy by changing out the type of lighting fixture that is being used. After all, halogen light bulbs are certainly not as efficient as they could be, and there are a number of different alternatives now on the market and available for purchase.
For instance, LED light bulbs have grown more popular than ever before – and for good reason, for that matter. After all, LED warehouse lighting fixtures and all other types of LED lights only use around 15% of all energy used by the typical halogen bulb. In addition to this, they even give off more light, up to 85% of the light possible from the average halogen bulb. All around, LED lighting fixtures make a better choice.
Induction lighting fixtures present another option. In fact, induction lighting fixtures can be even more effective than LED lighting fixtures, and induction lighting is growing in popularity all throughout the country. Once again, the facts surrounding induction lighting back up its many merits. After all, induction lighting has been around for an incredible amount of time. In fact, it even dates back to the late 1890s, when Nikola Tesla first demonstrated it. In the years that have transpired since, induction lighting methods have only continued to become more and more advanced.
For one thing, induction lighting systems are incredibly long lasting. In fact, one induction lighting system can last for as many as 100,000 total hours. In comparison, even an LED tube doesn’t stack up, lasting only just 50,000 hours. And halogen bulbs come nowhere close, as they last only, on average, around 20,000 hours, a mere instant compared to the typical induction lighting system.
There is no denying that electric lights are quite integral to the ways in which we live. Fortunately, however, there are now a number of alternatives to standard halogen light bulbs. Not only will this reduce the amount of energy used, but it will subsequently drop energy costs as well. And when energy levels are reduced, the planet is able to thrive much more easily than would be otherwise possible. For these reasons, lighting alternatives matter greatly.