It’s no wonder that part of the American dream includes a “white picket fence.” Despite the American love for freedom, we also like staking our claim and establishing boundaries. Fencing is one surefire way to do that. Other than that, fences can add a safety element to a home or business and add a visual element to a yard as well. Whether it’s commercial fencing or residential, you want to find a fence company that is reliable, trustworthy, and installs quality products for your home or business. This might be especially important with commercial fencing, to keep away unwanted visitors and protect the goods sold in the store. Fencing can also add some curb appeal and increase your chances of selling your home at a higher price later on down the road. So what should you be thinking about if you’re considering adding or replacing a fence?
Why Do I Need a Fence Anyway?
One of the main reasons many people choose to install a fence is for safety reasons. If you have small children or pets, a fence may help keep them from wandering out into the road or any distance away from your home. A fence may also keep pedestrians protected from dogs or other pets that they may be afraid of or that could cause potential harm. You may also choose to put up a fence to keep them out of the woods or away from bodies of water (ponds, pools, etc.,) as well.
Fences can also be good at blocking out road noise and giving you a measure of privacy, so people can’t just peer into your yard as easily. If you live with many houses clustered together, for example, and you want to sunbathe in your backyard, it’s probably nicer to do that without everyone looking over. A fence can also save your plants or gardens from unwanted wildlife stopping by for a late night snack, if you live in a more rural area.
Lastly, a fence helps set boundaries. If your neighbor is encroaching on your property line for example, a fence can say “This is yours and this is mine” quite clearly and effectively. It also is a clear marker if someone should enter your property unwanted — they can’t claim they “didn’t know” it wasn’t public property anymore.
What Are Popular Fence Types?
Perhaps the most often-seen types of fences are wooden, chain link, and vinyl. However aluminum fencing is becoming more popular these days and wrought iron fencing has always been an elegant and classic style. Wood fencing is known for its durability and the height it provides can often give homeowners a sense of privacy while still feeling warmer than say, chain link fencing. PVC fencing is one of the cheapest options on the market, but when given a good paint job, can look quite nice. It’s also very durable and will last for years. Vinyl fencing is also quite popular, because of its paint resistant nature (no more worries about graffiti with a little bit of soap and water!)and is often considered more flexible and stronger than wood fencing. In terms of commercial fencing, chain link fencing is often popular. It’s cheap and effective and given the height, usually hard to climb over or breach without some effort.
How Much Might Different Fence Styles Cost?
Chain link is obviously one of the cheapest options — it can be as little as $6 per foot, making it an ideal option for commercial fencing or for areas that need a lot of coverage. Wrought iron is the most expensive, with costs being as much as $30 per foot. Wood is right in the middle — this depends on what kind of wood you use and how tall your fence is — costing between $9-$15 per foot. Installing the fence can be the costly part, but like with anything, it’s important to do some cost comparisons before deciding.
Get an incredible return on investment — as much as 65% — with the right fence and take comfort in knowing you have increased privacy and safety around your home.