While motorized awnings for homes are a relatively modern phenomenon, sun awnings themselves are nothing new. Ancient Egyptians and Syrians used awnings to keep cool in the desert sun. Cafes throughout Europe have employed awnings for decades to keep their outdoor patrons comfortable in the summer months. It’s no wonder the idea is embraced by many homeowners as a means to keep cool, save money, and even stay healthy.
- Heat Reduction. Outdoor patio blinds and awnings block the sun, of course. But motorized awnings attached to homes can reduce sun glare on windows by almost 95%. This can make your living room a peaceful, shady place to relax all day long, instead of blindlingly uninhabitable and sweltering during late afternoon hours.
- Lower Energy Bills. Ultraviolet rays convert to heat when they pass through glass (think of how hot the inside of your car gets in the summer), and this heat can account for nearly one fifth of the total burden on your AC unit. But the advantages of motorized awnings are not just limited to the summer. The ability to retract your awning means that you can let in all that gloriously warm sunshine during the cold winter months, and give your heater a break.
- Better Health. A cooler house can actually help you live longer, by making it easier to get healthy, restful sleep. And since awnings also block up to 77% of the UV rays coming through your windows, your chances of getting skin cancer simply while sitting in your own home are also greatly reduced.
Whether for health, energy savings, comfort, or the sheer aesthetic appeal of it, choosing an awning for your home is a smart all-around investment. Just as it has been for centuries.
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