Most homeowners will experience some type of plumbing problem during home ownership. This might include minor plumbing problems, including clogged drains, leaking faucets or running toilets. It could be a more serious plumbing problem, like frozen pipes, broken pipes underground or badly corroded plumbing pipes that require complete replacement. Plumbing problems with a home can be very expensive and damaging to the home. It is important to hire a professional plumbing contractor who is experienced and knowledgeable into the specific plumbing repairs that you need. How do you find a plumber that fits these specifications, when you are a new homeowner or you are experiencing a household plumbing problem for the first time?
If you were to do a quick online search for plumbers in your local area, you are likely to be provided with a long list. How do you go about picking the best one? How do you know that they are experienced and capable of correcting your plumbing problem? Demand for plumbers and fitters is strong. The number employed is expected to grow 21% by 2022, versus 11% across all occupations, according to Labor Bureau statistics. You should be able to find a plumber, the difficultly comes in finding one that you trust.
You should never be afraid to ask your potential plumbing contractor questions. It is their job to inform you of the problem that you are experiencing and what they plan to do to fix it. You can always ask about cost up front, as well. This allows you to consult with multiple plumbing companies on larger plumbing repairs or projects. The plumbing contractor should provide you with a detailed estimate, explaining exactly what they plan to do, and how much each thing costs you. Your device inspector should also be prepared for the plumbing problem to get worse, and be able to provide you with price estimation for that, as well.
It can also be beneficial to ask your potential plumbing contractor for references. These may be references that relate to plumbing repairs, such as frozen pipes or installation and repairs services or bathroom remodel jobs. A plumbing contractor who specializes in bathroom remodels is likely to have plumbing knowledge sufficient enough for major plumbing repairs. According to a National Association of Home Builders survey, bathroom remodeling is the job most requested in the United States, accounting for 78% of renovations.
Plumbers may assist with a variety of plumbing concerns. In addition to fixing things like frozen pipes, they may also be responsible for installing dishwashers and other appliances in new homes. They may be a crucial part in gas water heater replacement services, for homeowners who are unable or unwilling to do so themselves. A plumber may even participate in services such as minor kitchen sink repair. When they are tasked with a bathroom or a kitchen remodel, it is likely that they will do a little bit of all of these tasks.
Hiring a professional plumbing contractor is important in preventing large plumbing problems from occurring. For example, in homes that are vacant during the cold winter months, they are at risk of frozen pipes. Water damage and freezing account for almost 22% of all homeowners insurance claims, and average $4,024 per claim. The plumbing in vacant homes during the winter months needs to be properly winterized to prevent frozen pipes from occurring. If the frozen pipes are not corrected properly, it can lead to pipes bursting, causing thousands and thousands of damages in the home.
Most homeowners will experience some type of plumbing need. It can be difficult to choose a plumbing contractor, when you have never had to use one before. You should be comfortable asking them questions about their intended repairs, pricing and referrals. Referrals are a great way to learn about the knowledge and the skills of a specific plumbing contractor.