Here in the United States, having a fully functional plumbing system is something that the vast majority of us have become more than accustomed to. A plumbing system is something that far too few of us would easily be able to live without, but it’s important to note that too many of us take our plumbing systems for granted as well. Being aware of necessary repairs and servicing and maintenance for the plumbing systems in our homes is absolutely key, and will help us to keep our plumbing systems in good shape for the years that are to come.
We must also be aware of the water consumption in our households, as many people in the United States consume far more water than they even realize. In fact, many don’t know that more than eight hundred and eighty gallons of water will be used on a weekly basis in a home where four people live – just on flushing the toilet alone, let alone any of the other uses of water that we have, such as showering and otherwise bathing. And bathing is hugely important, of course, but there is no doubt about it that it requires a great deal of water.
If you take a bath, for instance, and you fill the bath tub up all of the way, as the vast majority of us will do, you are likely to use as many as thirty seven gallons of water. Taking a ten minute shower will use even more, as many as forty gallons of water. And simply brushing your teeth without turning the faucet off while you do so will quickly accumulate five gallons of wasted water. Of course, using this much water is not ideal in any aspect, not for your wallet and certainly not for the planet.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can save water when it comes to your plumbing system. First of all, you can change your lifestyle, with even just little tweaks making a big difference. Switching to a five minute shower instead of a ten minute shower, for example, will lower your water consumption to as low as fifteen gallons per shower – and no more than twenty five gallons. In addition to this, you can turn off the water while brushing your teeth and while soaping up your dishes, two small changes that can actually have quite the impressive impact.
Repairing small leaks in your home is also particularly ideal, as all plumbing professionals can tell you that even the smallest leaks can waste a great deal of water over time. In fact, a leaky faucet alone has the potential to waste as many as one hundred gallons of water in just one single day. Even just repairing a small leak can be profound enough to save the home owners in question up to ten percent on their water bills, a small amount that is likely to add up to be quite considerable over the course of time.
Dealing with any plumbing emergencies quickly is also key. Plumbing emergencies, no matter how much you try to prevent them, sometimes just happen and while many plumbing emergencies certainly can be prevented, not all of them will be. In the face of plumbing emergencies, it is absolutely crucial to act quickly, as many plumbing emergencies will not only waste a great deal of water, but can lead to water damage in your home. And when plumbing emergencies are not dealt with promptly through the help of professional plumbing services, these water damages can all too easily lead to the growth of mold.
Mold growth is far too common, and all types of mold are harmful to your health. In fact, more than ninety percent of all sinus infections, particularly chronic ones, have been linked back to mold. If you suspect that plumbing emergencies have led to mold growth in your home, hiring a professional mold clean up service is likely the best course of action that you can take in order to keep your home a safe and healthy place to be.
Taking care of your plumbing, however, can help to prevent these plumbing emergencies in most cases.