How to Clean Your Ducted Air Conditioner

How to Clean Your Ducted Air Conditioner

Since spring cleaning is finally here, it’s time to take out your duster and get to work on your home! Dust those hard-to-reach shelves and picture frames, but don’t forget about your air conditioner as well! Several homeowners don’t think that their air conditioners require as much maintenance as they really do, but in order to keep your air conditioning services fresh and clean, cleaning the filter is a must. To get you started, this video shows how to clean your air filter if you use an air duct system.

First of all, you should always put safety first when cleaning your air filter. Since air grills are usually located in the ceiling, make sure you are confident climbing a ladder.

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Ensure that the ground you are climbing on is level, and having an extra hand will make the process easier and more comfortable. Once you have unscrewed the grill, it will open on a hinge. Simply reach in and take out the filter with your hands. Bring it outside and hose it off to get rid of dust particles trapped in the filter. Replace it again, and you’ve completed a vital step in your home’s spring cleaning!


I’m Eric Brophy, a carpenter and homebuilder with 16 years experience doing the job right, the old-fashioned way. What they used to say is true — measure twice, cut once. If you plan out a project from the start, with blueprints, a bill of materials, the whole nine yards, you may seem to be wasting time at the start, but it’s time saved on having to do the job again when it just doesn’t fit. Whether you’re building in the city or off the grid, ground-up or touch-up, I can guarantee you’ll find home improvement tips for your next DIY project at home.

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