You Want a More Quiet Home? Here Are 7 Tips to Help

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You do not have to live with a drummer to want to have everything in your home be more quiet. Many people are always on the lookout for ways to make their homes more peaceful and quiet. From installing sounds insulating panels to making sure the floor does not squeak and groan when you and your family walks on them, there are things that can make your living space more enjoyable.

  1. Get quiet appliances. Do you think you need to have sounds insulating panels installed around your laundry room? How about your kitchen? You should look for appliances that are more quiet. The good news is that most of the current appliances that are on the market are a lot more quiet than the ones that were built even a few years ago. Often if a fan or other appliance is noisy, it means that it needs to be fixed.
  2. Keep the noise outside from coming into your home. One way to keep the noises from traffic out of your home is to hang sound blocking curtains. These can be great to keep your noise in as well. If you do have musicians in the family, there were 173,300 people working as musicians around the country in 2014, you can prevent calls to the police for noise coming from your house by taking some steps, such as hanging these curtains.
  3. Keep your walls, ceilings and floors soft. When you have hard surfaces in all of these areas, sound can bounce easily off of them and become augmented. You can use the sounds insulating panels on the walls, put in a soundproof ceiling and use decorative laminate materials for the flooring. All of these things keep the noises that are generated in a room from growing louder and then escaping that area of the home. You can even get decorative acoustic ceiling tiles that keep sound in and look great.
  4. Look at your doors. Many doors are hollow. That means they are a lot like drums inside your home. If you go with solid doors, you can prevent the door from making your noise problems worse. Keep in mind that you should use weatherstripping as well, the sound can pass through the area around the home. Adding weatherstripping is easy to do and is very effective. You can even get the material in a form that has self adhesive strips. Because it is called “weatherstripping,” many people do not think about installing it inside their home. You can keep noise only in the rooms where it is being made by adding weatherstripping to all of the doors in your home.
  5. Look at the door on your garage. While you are considering the interior and exterior doors on your home, you should take a look at the garage door. Most garage doors have an open interior framework. These include sheets of steel, vinyl or plywood on their exterior. If you are getting a new door for your garage, make sure it has a good foam insulation. You should also add sounds insulating panels on the interior to quiet the door apparatus even further.
  6. Make your floors keep their mouths shut. You may not notice how creaky your floor is during the day but when the lights go out and everyone heads to bed, the creaks and squeaks that happen at night can become really annoying. There are a lot of ways to deal with creaky stairs and floors. You can talk to a general contractor or to your local home improvement store.
  7. Get your plumbing to pipe down. Many people’s houses have pipes that make quite a lot of noise when the faucets are turned on and then off. Toilets can set off a cascade of noises throughout the home. This can all be dealt with and it does not have to take a lot of effort. Talk to your plumber about water hammer arrestors. These should be installed on pipes that move both cold and hot water.

No matter where we live, we all like to have some peace and quiet. These tips can go a long way to help make your home less noisy and more peaceful.

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