What It Is Like To Be A Janitor

What It Is Like To Be A Janitor

Janitors are one of the noblest professions in the world. They are crucial to a company’s building in keeping it clean and tidy all the time. However, have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a janitor? If so, you are not alone!

What is a janitor’s work? Well, if you’re thinking about what everyone’s thinking about this profession, then you are most likely to be right. Janitors are often responsible for keeping an entire area clean; it can be a school campus, a company office, and more.

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They do all the dirty work from clogged toilets, leaky faucets, or a dirty floor; they are versatile people who thrive best in keeping an area clean.

Tips from a janitor to help you with your home’s maintenance:

Tip 1: Hot soapy water. Whether it is a spilled soda on the kitchen floor or blood on the garage floor, hot soapy water is a janitor’s go-to weapon when tackling these kinds of problems. While various chemicals and products are up to the task, hot soapy water is a great and cheap alternative to addressing those issues.

Tip 2: Newspapers. While they can be hard to procure these days, newspapers are tested and proven by janitors to make glass shine.

Tip 3: Serve your wife. If you want to make your wife happy, Doing the laundry goes a long way to keep your wife happy.


I’m Eric Brophy, a carpenter and homebuilder with 16 years experience doing the job right, the old-fashioned way. What they used to say is true — measure twice, cut once. If you plan out a project from the start, with blueprints, a bill of materials, the whole nine yards, you may seem to be wasting time at the start, but it’s time saved on having to do the job again when it just doesn’t fit. Whether you’re building in the city or off the grid, ground-up or touch-up, I can guarantee you’ll find home improvement tips for your next DIY project at home.

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