There are a variety of lighting systems currently available on the market. Since businesses are responsible for keeping their interior and exterior premises well-lit, it makes sense to utilize light sources that are energy-efficient. In this way, residents, employees, clients, customers, and other individuals will have access to a reliable source of light.
Energy Usage and Lighting
According to Department of Energy statistics, the United States utilizes 22% of all the electricity generated for lighting purposes. Residential and commercial buildings, for example, require various amounts of energy to function optimally. In order to have reliable lighting, 11% of a residential building’s overall energy usage is for this purpose. Lighting accounts for 18% of a commercial building’s energy usage, however. These figures may vary depending on the hours of operation and other contributing factors.
In addition to interior lighting, external lighting also needs to be provided in a variety of environments. For residential and commercial buildings, this will usually include the provision of walkway, entryway, and parking garage lighting. While it does depend on the city, the law may require 24-hour parking garage lighting. This is becoming more prevalent in order to provide additional security measures.
High-Intensity Discharge, Light-Emitting Diode, Fluorescent, and Halogen Light Sources
Some businesses may be more interested in having brighter lights than others. This is where they may choose high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps. While these may be roughly 50% brighter than their light-emitting diode (LED) counterparts, they have a shorter lifespan. LED lights, such as corn lights, will last ten times longer than HID lamps.
Many office buildings and brick-and-mortar stores continue to use fluorescent bulbs and ballasts. These tend to last an average of 20,000 hours. LED tubes, which are becoming the preferred choice, are expected to last for approximately 50,000 hours. This longevity makes them an excellent source for outdoor signage, roadway lighting, and other purposes.
Halogen bulbs are used in a variety of fixtures because they do provide a steady stream of light. When compared to the energy used by a halogen bulb, LEDs just use 15%. Furthermore, LEDs also provide as much as 85% more light.
LEDs and the Reduction of Energy Usage
There are several benefits to choosing LED lighting rather than its less efficient counterparts. According to the United States Department of Energy, LED lighting can potentially reduce the energy usage in this country by almost 50%. If you’re planning to update your lighting fixtures, choosing corn light LEDs or another type of fixture may be just what you need. Whether you’re looking for new lighting fixtures for residential or commercial buildings, it’s important to note that corn light LEDs are also quite versatile.