How to Build a Privacy Fence!

When it comes to owning a new home, privacy can sometimes be hard to get. There are certain areas that have fences on every inch of the property, while there are other areas that have no fencing at all. If you find yourself in the predicament of needing a fence, here are the steps you’ll need to follow to install your fence.
The first step is to establish your property lines. This can be found by either hiring a land surveyor to dictate where the line is or by finding pre-existing monumentation to help you figure out where the property line is. Once you establish this, you need to draw a string between the two points to show where the outside face of your fence will need to go. Once that’s done, start to look for fencing suppliers. Whatever material you choose to use, make sure it’s a material that will last a long time and that it’s within your budget to use. Once you find a supplier, you can begin to dig holes to put your posts in. Once the posts are in, start attaching your wood to the posts and line it all up correctly. The biggest thing is to not forget a gate so you can get in and out of the property.
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