The most important thing to keep in mind is that radon is everywhere. About 1 in 15 homes in the US have radon levels at or above the EPA action level. Fortunately, fixing it is quite straight-forward. Before moving into a new home or rental house, it is important to allow radon testing and inspection services to verify that the home is safe for your family.
Which Radon Testing Company Should I Hire?
Different states have varied regulations regarding the hiring of home services. In most cases, the state departments do not recommend any particular companies. However, they list companies and services that have members who have been certified by EPA, National Radon Proficiency Program, and National Radon Safety Board. Therefore, when looking for a reliable company, get one that has at least one or more of these certifications.
Can I Consider a DIY Radon Abatement?
While it is possible to carry out this task yourself, it is not recommended unless you have specialized radon mitigation experience and knowledge. It’s not all about putting a hole in the ground and connecting to a fan. A professional mitigation involves measuring air pressure levels and using the right tools to get that done. Therefore, it makes sense to leave this task to a professional radon testing and inspection company.
Is There a Safe Radon Level?
It is important to know that there is no safe level of radon. Outdoor hair has about .1 to 1 pCi/L levels while the average level is about .4 pCi/L. EPA has set the action level of schools and homes at 4.0 pCi/L and advises that there is no 100% safe level. WHO recommends mitigating your home when the level is 2.7 pCi/L or above. General, the goal of the mitigation is to reduce the level. If the level is elevated, the best approach is known as sub-slab depressurization or sub-slab suction.
The best way to stay safe is to work with a radon testing and inspection company to ensure that the radon level does not hit or pass the action level. Regular inspections and ensuring your foundation has no cracks helps to keep the levels at a minium. Today, there are newer homes that adhere to the Radon Resistant New Construction techniques that help to prevent radon penetration. If your home has no such techniques, it’s wise to seek professional help in radon testing and inspection.